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'In this video, Red Dot Fitness shows you the Cable Goblet Squat. Red Dot Fitness: https://www.reddotfitness.net/ Coaching Cues: Body Position: Feet shoulder width apart; keep eyes forward. Grip: With cable outlet positioned at ground-level, face the cable stack and hold cable attachment (handle, bar, etc.) against chest. Movement: Initiate by pushing hips back slightly then bend at the knees. Ideally, knees should flex to a 90 degree angle minimum. Keep torso upright and feet flat on the ground. Stability: Brace core, keep chest high and shoulder blades packed downward. Website: https://www.reddotfitness.net/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/red_dot_fitness/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/rdfkeymaster Podcast: https://ironsightspodcast.com/ Tags: squat,fitness,back squat,how to squat,bodybuilding,barbell squat,workout,strength,barbell,weightlifting,squat workout,exercise demonstration,bodybuilder,gym,abs,squat technique,squat form,proper squat form,leg workout,exercise,how to,how,to,technique,lifting,form,workouts,squats,muscle,sports,loss,shredded,squat tutorial,strength training,weight loss,how to squat properly,how to squat correctly,training,diet'
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